Nordfyns Gymnasium is a modern Upper-Secondary School, situated beautifully in Søndersø, a small town in the North of Funen.
The capacity of the school is 21 classes and at present 60 teachers are employed here.
If you would like to visit our school, you can click here to see the access roads and a map of Søndersø.
When you come to the school, you can enquire at the administration office.
If you want to contact a member of the staff, you can find information about the person in question by clicking on personale.
A complete description of the Danish educational system kan be found on the homepage of the Ministry of Education.
Please feel free to contact us for further information.
Kurt René Eriksen
EAN: 5798000557765
CVR: 29553890
Institutionsnr.: 483008
SE-nr: 33480156